Sunday, January 27, 2008


Welcome to my brand spanking new blog! Wait no, I didn't say it's about spanking! Well, that ruined the Google searches for this one...
But let's continue with the introductions. As you'll have noticed from the title, this is the blog for YOU! Yes, I insist on capitalising that. There are many blogs about that wax on about the private happenings in the lives of the posters, online diaries read by friends and online acquaintances. Then there are blogs that tackle specific subjects, becoming a sort of personal journal for the writer. This one will be none of that. This blog can veer in any direction that seems interesting to take at that moment. But one thing will permeate every post: it will be written for YOU, not for the poster. Hey, capitalised that "you" without even thinking about it. That's the spirit I'm planning to keep up here.
Posts will focus on bringing you snippets that are of varying value to you. Whether it will be a list regarding a certain theme, a humorously written article (at least I hope it would be regarded as humorous), reviews of various sorts or recipes, the aim will be to please the reader. You can only trawl through so many posts of someone raging against all that gets on their nerves, what games they've been playing and what they think of them, how annoying it is when you activate the dryer without knowing the cat was sleeping in it... before it all becomes repetitive and the reader is left with a wry taste of self-indulgence from the posting side.
One thing left to note is the url of this blog itself. Variations on "blog for you" that I could come up with were already taken, so I used "diffusespace". Diffuse as in varying subjects, as well as in the meaning of elaborate and longworded posting.
With good hopes for creating a readable blog that can strike the right chords in the hearts of all who stumble across it, I now finish this introductory post. Do not expect any new content too soon as I'm still caught up in exams right now, but work will be made of it in the very near future. Incidentally, that reference to my personal activities should be the last one in its kind for a long time. Because this is the blog... for YOU!

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